Supplier of Matol Km since 1988 -
Now distributed by Univera
Lowest pricing, GUARANTEED with FREE shipping! Don't be fooled by "bait & switch" websites.
Call 518-320-7153
Matol Km
Product purchase info:
1 Bottle (32 oz)
REG: $35/bottle
with FREE Shipping
Call 518-320-7153
or e mail
Km - Potassium Mineral Supplement
Original Karl
Jurak Formula

More Info
Matol Km Discount
6 bottles @ $31.38/bottle
12 bottles @ $29.02/bottle
with FREE Shipping
Call 518-320-7153
or e mail
Save even more!
12 Km: $313.37
(FREE Shipping)
* With Shopping Club
Call 518-320-7153
Dear friends,
As many of you know, we love Km and have been a
personal consumer for many years. In addition, recently we have discovered an
outstanding health product that delivers incredible energy and
nutrition, especially useful in these trying times: "Peak
Performance Nutrition Pack", by Melaleuca.
I have experienced extremely positive health benefits
from the Peak Performance Nutrition Pack and I am excited to share this
good news with you. Please visit
to join me in this renewed health experience, or call me directly at
Wishing you all continued great health,
Jonathan Ragonese
*Matol Botanical
International Ltd merged with Univera in 2009 and this same original
formula Karl Jurak "Matol Km" product is now distributed
by Univera under the name "Km"

A personal consumer of Matol Km
Since 1988
Jonathan F Ragonese
P.O. Box 11506
Albany, New York 12211
Ph 518-320-7153